St. Maximilian Kolbe on How to Have Heaven on Earth
April 7, 2014
Have you ever wondered what Heaven is like? I have. I mean, we talk about it all the time, but when we get down to it, we don’t know that much about it. We do know that we will behold God face to face there, and we also know that we will find the fulfillment […]
Should Catholics Cuss?
April 2, 2014
Recently, a horribly raunchy movie made national headlines because it contained over 500 uses of the f-word. Yeah, it was obscenely obscene, and obviously, that level of profanity is unusual. But the fact is, vulgarities are becoming commonplace in music, movies, literature, and everyday language. This growing trend raises the question— is profanity a sin? Is it […]
Get Your Beard On: A Call to Untrimmed Spirituality in a Clean-Shaven World
March 31, 2014
The following is a guest post from Tyler Blanski—a writer who possesses a beard of medieval proportions. Tyler is the author of When Donkeys Talk and Mud and Poetry. From bearded indie rockers to hipster barkeeps, facial hair is in. And with it come rumors of a holy renaissance. Men and women everywhere are rediscovering the hairy […]
Catholic in the Cubicle, Part 2: Interacting with Co-Workers
March 26, 2014
The following is a guest post by Bob Waruszewski. In my first post, I talked about three ways to be Catholic at the cubicle. As a follow up, let’s look at some ways to be a Catholic Gentleman when interacting with our co-workers. 1) Use Words to Build Up, Not to Tear Down – Most […]
A Unique Opportunity: 33 Days to Morning Glory
March 25, 2014
I just wrote about my devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, and today, I’d like to share a Marian devotion that can help you grow closer to Jesus. It’s Marian consecration using the bestselling book 33 Days to Morning Glory. (Believe it or not, there’s already 2 million copies of this book in print.) If […]
The Other Woman in My Life
March 21, 2014
Men, I have a confession to make: There’s another woman in my life. She’s beautiful, faithful, holy and strong, and I love her more all the time. Don’t worry, you don’t have to tell my wife— she already knows. I’m talking about the Blessed Virgin Mary. Brothers, despite what you may think, you need to […]
A Lenten Giving Opportunity
March 18, 2014
“It is more blessed to give than to receive.” – Our Lord Jesus Christ As a rule, I don’t promote giving to specific causes, but I recently wrote about the importance of almsgiving during Lent, and now, I’ve become aware of an opportunity to do just that. Allow me to break my own rule and share a little about […]
How to be Catholic in the Cubicle
March 15, 2014
The following is a guest post by Bob Waruszewski. It is the first in a series on sanctifying our work. A few weeks ago, I was reading an excerpt about how a man chose to serve as a missionary on a college campus following graduation. He said that he decided to become a missionary because […]
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