Introducing The Gentleman’s List
November 15, 2013
Since beginning this blog, I have received countless requests to promote various apostolates, Facebook pages, news articles, books, and causes. Many of these are excellent and worthy projects, but due to the volume I receive, I can’t possibly share them all. To allow you to promote your projects while not overloading readers with constant promotions, I am launching […]
Simplicity in Devotion
November 13, 2013
When I first converted to Catholicism, I was overwhelmed by the wealth of devotions Catholics practiced. There was devotion to the five wounds of Christ, the brown scapular, the green scapular, the Divine Mercy chaplet, devotion to the Holy Face, the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Rosary, devotion to the Sacred Heart, devotion […]
Gentleman Saint: St. Francis Borgia
November 10, 2013
Borgia—the name has a ring of infamy. Historically, the Borgia family is associated with crime, promiscuity, papal corruption, and power-mongering, and this sad legacy is remembered to this day. But while the popular imagination fixates on the sins of the Borgia family, there is a great saint who also bears the name of Borgia—a man […]
The Seven Deadly Sins: Gluttony
November 5, 2013
The following post is part of a guest series by Jason Liske of Ascending Mount Carmel. Jason is also a freelance writer and social media contributor at Monkrock. You can read more about him here. The following post is used with permission. “We overcome after a fashion, perhaps, our serious and dangerous vices, but there it stops. […]
Combat Rosary Giveaway Winners
November 1, 2013
Happy All Saints Day! A couple of weeks ago, I announced a giveaway for the first time. The response was great, and hundreds of you signed up to win one of three manly combat rosaries. Thank you to every one who entered and spread the word! Now, to announce the winners (drumroll please.) The three, randomly […]
The Official Catholic Beer Blessing
October 29, 2013
One of the great things about being Catholic is that the Church has quite literally thought of everything at some point or another. Some inventive cleric even thought to include a beer blessing in the Rituale Romanum (my parish also has an annual wine blessing). Creation is good. Beer is good. Let us rejoice and be glad […]
The Mighty Breastplate of St. Patrick
October 28, 2013
St. Patrick is one of the most well-known saints in Christendom, and he left an indelible stamp on the Church despite the fact that we know very little about his life. In addition to being the missionary who almost single handedly converted Ireland, and being the man who permanently ridded the Emerald Isle of snakes, St. Patrick also happens to be the author […]
How to Bless Your Children
October 23, 2013
“You may not be rich; you may be unable to bequeath any great possessions to your children; but one thing you can give them; the heritage of your blessing. And it is better to be blessed than to be rich.” St. Ambrose Hey Dad, did you know you are priest of your home? That’s right, […]
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