Category: Masculinity

Put Your Hands to Work

August 2, 2022
When you work with your hands, you channel the way you’re made in the image and likeness of God. You resemble God the Father pouring Himself out in creativity, in divine generation.

Racism and the Catholic Church Today (w/Dcn. Harold Burke-Sivers)

July 27, 2022
Today Sam and John are joined by a dynamic speaker and expert on the subject of racism, Dcn. Harold Burke-Sivers. We are all aware of the ideological movements involving race in our society today, the Black Lives Matter Movement, Critical Race Theory, and White Privilege to name a few. So how are we as Catholic men supposed to navigate this very delicate and often heated topic? How do we avoid taking a passive, avoidance, or even subservient role on this issue and instead bring love and Christ into the conversation?

Why Society Depends on Strong Men (w/ Anthony Esolen)

July 20, 2022
Today Sam and John are joined by an incredible Catholic man, professor, and author, Dr. Anthony Esolen. In his new book, "No Apologies: Why Civilization Depends on the Strength of Men", he gets straight to the point from history, societal development, biology, and observation. He goes to the core of masculinity to return to men the joy of their manliness. We live in distorted times and this conversation is just scratching the surface of the truth that all men must understand.

Life Lessons from a Navy SEAL

July 13, 2022
Today Sam and John are joined by an incredible Catholic man and former Navy SEAL Officer, Sam Blair. We get to learn from Sam about how living a life of dedication and service can provide purpose, uniformity with God's will, and an opportunity to understand the depths of greatness. We go into learning from our failures and difficulties, as well as the importance of sacrifice and having a heart for our families and others.

True Freedom in these Difficult Times

July 6, 2022
Today Sam and John discuss how we can live well and thrive in these times. We share thoughts on how to avoid the temptation to complain and buckle under the pressures of job security, political issues, mounting inflation, and taking care of those closest to you. The Church in her wisdom has given us the roadmap that can be used by every man living today.

7 Ways Men Can Love Christ in the Eucharist

June 29, 2022
Today Sam and John discuss how men can embrace, deepen their commitment, and constantly grow in love with Christ in the Eucharist. We touch on seven truths that help men better accept this reality and why loving Christ in the Eucharist is the highest pursuit that men can set forth as members of the Church Militant.

The Catholic Life of a Professional Baseball Player

June 22, 2022
Today we are joined by a professional baseball player and Catholic gentleman, Michael Krauza. We cover such topics as setbacks in life, being cut from his high school team twice, devotion to Our Lady, and living for God's will in all that we do. Michael experienced a strong conversion in college and now openly talks to and about Our Lady while on and off the mound.

The Catholic Man Rejects Consumption

June 15, 2022
Today we discuss how the Catholic man must live simply. It is by rejecting consumerism and by turning away from more stuff that we open ourselves up to actually serve God's will in our lives. Our earthly possessions call to us, what conversations are we allowing them to have with us? We go into statistics, social examples, and truths about how living simply is necessary for our service to God and others.

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