Category: Work

In Praise of Little Things (and Raising Little Ones)

June 26, 2024
If we neglect the little things, we neglect everything. The big things (marriage, careers, friendships, children) are made of the little things (an unnoticed good deed, a phone call with a friend, sharing a compliment just because).

Being a Man in a Church Who Is Bride

June 5, 2024
We cannot be severed from the body of the Church without falling into the danger of hell, and we cannot neglect our mission to love and convert the world lest we fall into impotence and lukewarmness.

There Are No Life Hacks

May 8, 2024
Everything we do we do to be happy.  The wise today are not the hackers, but the happy ones.  We all want happiness, but if the steady stream of surveys shows us anything, we are lonely and unhappy.

Put Your Hands to Work

August 2, 2022
When you work with your hands, you channel the way you’re made in the image and likeness of God. You resemble God the Father pouring Himself out in creativity, in divine generation.

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7 Strategies to Have an Unbreakable Marriage

June 1, 2022
Today Sam and John discuss how the world gets marriage wrong and why it rejects the true sacramentality of marriage. We discuss the difficulty of living out the vocation of marriage and we go into 7 practices that need to happen on a regular basis to keep your marriage strong, holy, and constantly filled with love. Learn and be a powerful witness to the world.

Does God Want You to be Successful

May 25, 2022
Today Sam and John discuss the dignity of work and how to balance the desire for career advancement with your faith. We also give great advice on how to get ahead in your career and discern changing your job. Pride, power, and pleasure are the ideals held by society with work, but it is by pursuing these ideals that we instead find frustration, anxiety, and unhappiness.

Protecting Yourself and Family Online

February 2, 2022
In this episode of The Catholic Gentleman, Sam and John are joined by cyber security veteran and devout Catholic, Jeff Jimenez, to discuss what serious threats exist in the digital world. As we sift through this information age, how do we avoid falling victim to those that want to steal from us, use our actions and behaviors to treat us as a product, and how to spiritually maintain authentic resilience.

Staying Catholic While At Work

January 26, 2022
In this episode of The Catholic Gentleman, Sam and John are joined by The Catholic CEO, Henry Kutarna, an experienced business executive, mentor, and chair of a family investment firm, to discuss how men can maintain and live out their faith in their careers. As our culture becomes more woke, our Catholic faith becomes increasingly difficult to live out in public. Our guest today sees this as an opportunity for men to grow in their faith, continue to chart their future, or even create and run a successful Catholic centered business.

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