The Problem Behind The Problem Of Video Games

November 15, 2023
Games give the sense of achievement and identity that traditional rites of passage would have done.  And this is why the insecurity in their reactions is so palpable – you’re attacking who they are, not just what they do.

The Name of the Demon That Steals Rest, Makes You Scroll, and Inspires Overworking

October 18, 2023
There is a demon that the saints, especially the desert fathers, recognized in this vein – the one that comes in the daytime, during our work, to propel us further into nothingness. He was called “the noonday devil” precisely because he comes in the light of day while we are at our normal duties and work.

Men, Porn is More Dangerous Than You Think

November 2, 2022
In this week's episode, we are joined by Jim O'Day, Executive Director of Integrity Restored, to discuss how real the battle against pornography is in our culture and the reason only evil thrives and benefits from it. We talk about proven methods for overcoming porn additions, and how men need to become aware and communicate more frequently about the dangers.

Imagination and the Will: What You Gaze On Is What You Become

February 2, 2021
How many times have you vowed to exercise more, eat better, or get more sleep? Or on a spiritual level, promised yourself that you were going to pray more consistently, practice certain virtues, or embrace asceticism more willingly? Yet, when it comes time to move idea into action, from commitment to practice, something within us […]

To All and For All: Guilt, Responsibility, and the Brothers Karamazov

October 27, 2020
Some friends and I were smoking cigars and chatting on the porch of a Brooklyn house during a summer evening in 2010. One of the friends recommended that I read Dostoevsky’s the Brothers Karamazov. Education had taught me that the book was a classic. Experience had taught me that not all “classics” are all that […]

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