The Essential Role of the Father

February 10, 2014
Divorce rates skyrocketing; adultery rampant; non-married cohabitating couples; children abandoned by their fathers or mothers; “same-sex unions” adopting children and calling this the “modern family”; pornography invading homes, leading to powerful addictions and total alienation from other members of the family: all of this is a bird’s eye view of the family situation in the modern […]

Get Married Young Man, Part 3: 5 Ways to Prepare Yourself

January 13, 2014
Marriage is wonderful, but it brings with it a lot of responsibilities and duties. Scripture and the teaching of the Church are quite clear— the husband is the head of the home, and he bears the primary responsibility before God for its happiness and holiness. In imitation of Jesus, the husband is the prophet, priest, […]

The Gentleman’s List (11-25-2013)

November 25, 2013
  Hello gents, I am consistently amazed at all the excellent apostolates designed to strengthen men and encourage virtue. Please take the time to review each of the initiatives and organizations listed below. As always, if you have something to submit, feel free to send me a message here with the subject line “The Gentleman’s List.” In […]

Let’s Talk About Porn

October 17, 2013
Let’s talk about porn. I know it it’s an uncomfortable subject, but ignoring it will do no good. The fact is, pornography addiction is a massive and growing problem—especially for men. If you don’t believe me, here are some shocking statistics: 12% of websites online are pornographic Every second, over 28,000 people are looking at […]

3 Evils Every Man Can Fight

October 11, 2013
A few days ago, I wrote about the courageous Catholic men who scaled the walls of Lisbon to free their land from oppression. The truth is, most of us will not have to go into battle to fight for freedom, but that doesn’t mean we can’t still fight for the good, the true, and the beautiful […]

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