Spiritual Weapons: Holy Water
December 2, 2013
In her many rituals, the Catholic Church uses elements from creation: oil, ashes, burning incense, and more. Of these elements, water is one of the most common and the most rich in symbolism. Today, I specifically want to discuss Holy Water, which is a powerful spiritual weapon for your arsenal. Origins and Meaning The symbolic […]
The Catholic Gentleman’s Christmas Gift Guide
November 30, 2013
Christmas is right around the corner, and that means Christmas shopping for the men in your life. But what to get them? Sweaters or Santa ties are tired and cliche. Don’t bother. Checkout the Catholic Gentleman’s Christmas Gift Guide instead—these 15 gifts are sure to please any Catholic man. Church Militant Combat Rosary – […]
Giving Thanks
November 27, 2013
“I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought, and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.” – G.K. Chesterton Tomorrow, November 28, is Thanksgiving in America. While we should be thankful every day, this day is a special time to remember God’s gifts to us and offer thanks to him for […]
The Gentleman’s List (11-25-2013)
November 25, 2013
Hello gents, I am consistently amazed at all the excellent apostolates designed to strengthen men and encourage virtue. Please take the time to review each of the initiatives and organizations listed below. As always, if you have something to submit, feel free to send me a message here with the subject line “The Gentleman’s List.” In […]
A Catholic Gentleman’s Manifesto
November 23, 2013
Hello Everyone! My name is Dominic Cassella (aka The Hound), I am one of the Co-Founders of the Catholic Dormitory, and I would like to thank Sam for inviting me to be an occasional writer for the Catholic Gentleman. The list below was originally posted on the Dormitory, but I believe it needs to be spread around a […]
The Gentleman’s List (11-18-2013)
November 18, 2013
Hello, gents, and welcome to the first Gentleman’s List. The goal of the List is to highlight great blogs, apostolates, religious orders, men’s organizations, and more from around the world. If you’d like to submit your project, click here. I look forward to hearing from you. In Jesus and Mary, Sam Guzman Editor The Catholic Gentleman Contents Religious […]
Introducing The Gentleman’s List
November 15, 2013
Since beginning this blog, I have received countless requests to promote various apostolates, Facebook pages, news articles, books, and causes. Many of these are excellent and worthy projects, but due to the volume I receive, I can’t possibly share them all. To allow you to promote your projects while not overloading readers with constant promotions, I am launching […]
Simplicity in Devotion
November 13, 2013
When I first converted to Catholicism, I was overwhelmed by the wealth of devotions Catholics practiced. There was devotion to the five wounds of Christ, the brown scapular, the green scapular, the Divine Mercy chaplet, devotion to the Holy Face, the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Rosary, devotion to the Sacred Heart, devotion […]
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