The Seven Deadly Sins: Lust
September 20, 2013
The following post is part of a guest series by Jason Liske of Ascending Mount Carmel. Jason is also a freelance writer and social media contributor at Monkrock. You can read more about him here. The following post is used with permission. The seven deadly sins, as we now know them, can be thought […]
Manly Movie Moment: Becket Excommunicates Lord Gilbert
September 18, 2013
St. Thomas Becket was a man in search of honor. Throughout his early life, he was consumed by ambition and was a consummate politician. He was best friends with king Henry II of England, and his political skill strengthened the king’s reign immensely. But when king Henry appointed St. Thomas Archbishop of Canterbury for his […]
The Cardinal Virtues: Temperance
September 16, 2013
When I think about it, it still boggles my mind that the United States of America once passed a constitutional amendment outlawing alcohol. The movement that made this happen was composed of a bunch of fusty tee-totaling ladies that believed alcohol to be one of the greatest evils known to man. Most unfortunately, they mislabeled […]
Gentleman Saint: St. Edmund Campion
September 12, 2013
During the reformation in England, the Church was fiercely persecuted, and many faithful Catholics gave their lives for the faith. Some were mothers, others were priests, others statesmen. But they were all so convinced that the Catholic faith was true that they chose death rather than renounce it. I want to make it clear that […]
Spiritual Weapons: The Red Scapular
September 11, 2013
“He who desires to go on advancing from virtue to virtue, from grace to grace, should meditate continually on the Passion of Jesus.” – St. Bonaventure Chances are you’ve heard of the Brown Scapular of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, but have you heard of the red Scapular of the Passion? I didn’t think so. […]
International Buy a Priest a Beer Day!
September 5, 2013
Did you know that this coming Monday, September 9, is International Buy a Priest a Beer Day? On this festive day, faithful Catholics all over the world take their priests out for a beer and get to know them better. It’s a beautiful Catholic tradition that goes back to the time of St. Hopswald of […]
Masculinity and the Liturgy
September 3, 2013
Today, I want to broach a controversial topic, knowing full well that I may cause a ruckus. I want to talk about masculinity and the liturgy. (Fair warning: This is going to be long.) I will start with a few caveats. First, I do not believe the liturgy should ever be a controversial issue. It […]
The Cardinal Virtues: Fortitude
August 30, 2013
This post is part of a series on the four Cardinal Virtues. For the other posts in the series, click here. At some point or another, we all encounter things in life that cause us to be afraid. Whether it’s sudden unemployment, making a life-altering choice, a sudden illness, or the prospect of physical pain, fear […]
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