Category: podcast

American Ninja Warrior, Sean Bryan on Peak Performance and Evangelization

November 30, 2022
Today, American Ninja Warrior and Catholic evangelist, Sean Bryan, discusses how his life has brought him to the peak of physical performance and how it is all done through the Holy Spirit. He has a passionate and clear understanding of the Faith and he lives that in his actions, insights, and missionary work off the course. We talk about his choice of the moniker, "Papal Ninja", how the Church lacks in forming men today, and what Sean and his apostolate, Lay Mission Project, are doing to fill that void.

Fitness and Health for Growth in Holiness

November 16, 2022
Today we discuss how your physical health and wellness go hand in hand with your development in virtue and growth in holiness. Dr. Kevin Vost joins us to address the huge rise in diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, liver disease, obesity, and other health-related illnesses in society today. We go into the false notion that you are either physically strong or mentally strong and that the integration of the two leads to a more grateful, loving, healthy, and holy life. Do we have a moral obligation to take care of ourselves and what is the correct balance?

Communism is Destroying Men in America

November 9, 2022
Today we discuss how Ven. Fulton Sheen was the outspoken soldier against communism, prophetic in his wisdom, and necessary for all men living in the west to understand. We are joined by Steve Cunningham to discuss how Arch. Fulton Sheen saw the wave of communism that has crept its way into the United States and how modern capitalism has tenets of communism presented under a different name. We discuss what men need to do today to bring Christ and needed change to society.

Men, Porn is More Dangerous Than You Think

November 2, 2022
In this week's episode, we are joined by Jim O'Day, Executive Director of Integrity Restored, to discuss how real the battle against pornography is in our culture and the reason only evil thrives and benefits from it. We talk about proven methods for overcoming porn additions, and how men need to become aware and communicate more frequently about the dangers.

Halloween Special – Baptist Hell Houses and More

October 31, 2022
Many Protestant kids who grew up in the 1980’s and 1990’s, Founder, Sam Guzman being one of them, and were either not allowed to celebrate Halloween, or went to churches that did Halloween alternatives, because the assumption was that Halloween was a pagan holiday, with demonic origins.

Growing in Holiness Through Relationships (w/ Dr. Greg Bottaro)

October 26, 2022
In this week's episode, we are joined by Dr. Greg Bottaro, founder of the CatholicPsych Institute, to discuss how men uniquely behave, communicate, and relate to those around us. We discuss how men and women are different and how both sexes can grow in holiness by learning how to understand and better communicate with each other. Dr. Greg gives us men the secret 5 steps plan to solve female problems.

Dr. Jeff LaCour on Suffering, Marriage, and Surrender to God

October 19, 2022
In this week's episode, we are joined by Dr. Jeff LaCour to discuss masculine suffering, marriage, life as a doctor with 6 children, and how to grow in holiness. Suffering is not only something that happens to everyone alive today, it is the choice means God uses to move men along in holiness. Jeff gives a great testimony to the role his father played in leading him in the Catholic faith, an example all fathers need to hear.

Fixing the Crisis of Lost Belief in the Eucharist

October 12, 2022
Today John and Sam are joined by a Knight of the Holy Eucharist, Br. Angelo, to discuss the crisis of men losing their faith in the Eucharist. This is a problem that goes to the very depths of our Faith and is a non-negotiable teaching of Catholicism. Still, we find the majority of Catholic men not understanding or even believing in Christ's real presence in the Eucharist. With the help of Our Lady, we seek to correct this error and show men a way to deepen their understanding and ultimate love of Christ.

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