Category: Uncategorized

There’s Good In This World. And It’s Worth Fighting For.

August 30, 2018
The reality of evil can be simply overwhelming. When it dawns upon us the extent to which evil has seemingly prevailed in the world and, yes, even in the Church, it can be tremendously disheartening. Nevertheless, I would argue that, despite appearances, there is more good in the Church and in the world than evil. […]

Hold Fast

August 27, 2018
A crisis of historic proportions is facing the Catholic Church. The moral rot and corruption that has infected the Church to the highest echelons is being exposed like a festering wound for all to see. And it is an ugly sight.  But the truth is, the crisis has existed for some time now, though many […]

Wickedness in High Places

August 8, 2018
The world is sick with sin. And not just the world, but the Church. The latest revelations about the depth and degree of the rot and moral corruption within the priesthood and the hierarchy, reaching all the way to the highest echelons of power, are nothing less than nauseating. The frightening truth is, we likely […]

A Plunge Into the Depths: The Mad Humility of Christmas

December 26, 2016
The octave of Christmas isn’t over, so I am sharing this brief meditation on the humility of Christ our Lord. The glory of Christmas, the very splendor of this holy feast, lies in the very fact that it is a great festival of humility. It is the plunging of divinity into the depths. The emptying […]

Announcing the NEW Catholic Gentleman Rosary!

November 18, 2016
I’ve been selling Catholic Gentleman rosaries for some time now, but I received reports from some of you that rosaries were breaking or growing discolored quickly. In my quest to bring you the toughest, most beautiful rosary available, I knew there was room for improvement. That’s why I’m excited to announce a new partnership with […]

St. Francis de Sales: A Profile in Courage

June 16, 2016
St. Francis de Sales, Doctor of the Church, was one of the greatest evangelists and most powerful confessors during the Counter-Reformation. His writings on Catholic spirituality still inspire the faithful today and his words still resonate across the centuries. Yet there was a time when Francis was entirely incapacitated by doubt and fear. When Francis […]

The Book That Made Me Catholic

February 17, 2016
If I were to tell you that I had a talking donkey, you would probably chuckle and pour another drink. If I were to insist that I was entirely serious, you would probably back away slowly and, with no masked alarm, look for the nearest exit. Nothing ruins a good party like a story about […]

Choose the Right Path: A Message From a Repentant Murderer

October 19, 2015
Yesterday, I had the privilege of venerating the first class relics of St. Maria Goretti, the youngest canonized saint in the Catholic Church. While the time with her relics was brief due to the crowds, it was still a powerful experience to see the body of this young girl who had more virtue at the […]

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