Pornography and Marriage: Eight Myths

January 28, 2025
There are many misconceptions and myths about pornography use and marriage that need to be dispelled in order to heal many marriages and relationships. Let's get to the bottom of this sin and addiction that plagues our world today.

Horrible Marriage Advice

February 14, 2024
Marriage is tough, it comes with incomparable joys, as well as intense sorrow. When two people, both fallen and broken, enter into a loving marriage they must expect struggles and sacrifices. It is through these challenges that their love will be purified and they become witnesses to a profound commitment mostly lacking in today's world. Today we read through a secular blog that offers reasons men should consider divorce, using this as a sort of bellwether of society to get to the right understanding of marriage and how this is all horrible advice. We do our best to tread with dignity discussing the interior lives of the men brought up in the article but are honest about the falsehoods that they espouse. Learn about these 4 enemies and how to apply the practices we discuss. In addition, today we get to answer a question from a listener who asks about balancing his pursuit of a high-performance professional job and raising a family. Today we discuss a great plan to not only improve and become like Christ this Lent, but also a strategy to continue as a new man this Easter and beyond. We discuss man's need for temptation and how Satan gains entrance into our lives. We unpack why you need to know the tactics of Satan, how understanding this can provide clarity in your lives, and how you can be battle-ready to protect yourself against his attacks.

Marriage Will Not Cure Your Lust

October 25, 2023
The single life is the time to gain self-mastery, to learn true freedom through self-denial, and to learn to look forward to the sanctification of your future spouse.  You should be praying for her now, not longing for a female body to play with.  It’s time to grow up and conquer lust because marriage is not the cure for your slavery.   Freedom is.

How Embracing Our Faith, Identity, and Marriage Can Save Society (w/ Archduke Eduard Habsburg)

April 26, 2023
Join us for a thought-provoking conversation with Archduke Eduard Habsburg, as he shares his views on the critical importance of faith, marriage, family, history, identity, and subsidiarity to save society today. Drawing on his vast experience and knowledge, the Archduke challenges men to embrace these principles and use them as a foundation for building a better society. His story about the difference between Catholic vs protestant royal funerals is gripping. This episode offers a fresh and inspiring perspective on the world we live in and what has been lost and needs to be regained.

Dr. Jeff LaCour on Suffering, Marriage, and Surrender to God

October 19, 2022
In this week's episode, we are joined by Dr. Jeff LaCour to discuss masculine suffering, marriage, life as a doctor with 6 children, and how to grow in holiness. Suffering is not only something that happens to everyone alive today, it is the choice means God uses to move men along in holiness. Jeff gives a great testimony to the role his father played in leading him in the Catholic faith, an example all fathers need to hear.

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