Loyalty and Localism
January 13, 2021
For all of the oddities of hipsterdom, they get at least one thing right: buying local. Corporations care more about their ROI than the quality of the goods produced; they care more about their profit than their product. Part of the return to a true, profound Christian polity is a return to caring less about […]
St. Maximilian Kolbe: Tribute to a Seed
January 8, 2021
St. Maximilian Kolbe was born Raymond Kolbe on this day in 1894. Today marks the 127th anniversary of the birth of this great saint and patron of the The Catholic Gentleman. “No one in the world can change Truth.” – St. Maximilian Kolbe My father collected comic books for as long as I can remember. So […]
We Wrestle Not Against Flesh and Blood: The Spiritual World and the Events of History
January 7, 2021
Our nation is again in turmoil, reminding me just how frequently in recent days I’ve had to write posts about the upheavals of our times. Nevertheless, I do not wish to opine on the events that have transpired this week. I will leave that to those who are more proficient at such commentary. I do, […]
The God in the Stable: A Christmas Meditation
December 26, 2020
Of all the tremendous mysteries of our faith, there is none more stupefying in its reality than the Incarnation. That God would deign to assume human flesh is a staggering fact, and it is one that a thousand different heresies has sought to doubt or deny. And yet, it is a fast so critical to […]
The 2020 Catholic Gentleman Gift List
December 1, 2020
It’s that time of year again: time to start thinking about Christmas gifts for the Catholic gentlemen in your life. Here are 10 gift ideas sure to delight any Catholic Man. 1. The Catholic Gentleman: Living Authentic Manhood Today What it means to be a man or a woman is questioned today like never before. […]
Conversation, Conversion, and the Eternal Truth
November 17, 2020
Have you ever enjoyed a good conversation? Not just small talk or a vague and ephemeral discussion of trivialities, but a real, substantive conversation about the most important questions of human life. If so, you’ll know that such conversations can last for hours which feel only like minutes. You’ll know that the intellectual pleasure such […]
St. John Paul II’s Message to America is More Timely Than Ever
November 4, 2020
I share the following homily of John Paul II from October 8, 1995 at Camden Yards, Baltimore, slightly edited for clarity. It is short and to the point, and in these divided times, it reminds our nation of eternal truths that are more relevant and timely than ever. “Oh, that today you would hear his […]
To All and For All: Guilt, Responsibility, and the Brothers Karamazov
October 27, 2020
Some friends and I were smoking cigars and chatting on the porch of a Brooklyn house during a summer evening in 2010. One of the friends recommended that I read Dostoevsky’s the Brothers Karamazov. Education had taught me that the book was a classic. Experience had taught me that not all “classics” are all that […]
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