In Praise of Dispassion
August 16, 2022
Some of the best advice ever given is that one ought to think twice before speaking. But we seem to have lost a vital component necessary to think even once: restraint. We’re not restrained, because many believe that blurting out the first thing that pops into one’s head is a sign of “authenticity.” It’s not.
2022 International Gregorian Chant Conference
August 8, 2022
Bishop Athanasius Schneider, Msgr. Alberto Turco, Dr. William Mahrt, Dr. Peter Kwasniewski, Dr. Edward Schaefer, Fr. Chad Ripperger, Fr. Mark Bachmann OSB, Mr. Nicholas Lemme... these are the speakers of the online International Gregorian Chant Conference, Sept 25 - Oct 2, hosted by the Gregorian Chant Academy.
Put Your Hands to Work
August 2, 2022
When you work with your hands, you channel the way you’re made in the image and likeness of God. You resemble God the Father pouring Himself out in creativity, in divine generation.
The Power
July 21, 2022
I could have the power. If I had faith, true faith, I could work miracles. But I don’t, so I can’t. Thank heavens for that, because there’s no telling what I’d do. But then that’s false, isn’t it, since if I had that kind of faith I wouldn’t pull any shenanigans: no petitioning God to […]
Rediscovering Catholic Masculine Virtue
May 31, 2022
In our attempt to revitalize masculinity in contemporary, secular society, there is an enduring threat. In trying to rediscover a robust, Catholic understanding of manliness, we might oversimplify it or flatten it out. We tend to emphasize aspects of masculinity that appeal to us personally, and latch on to cultural trends that correspond with our […]
On Pornography: Temptation, Addiction, and Loving Thy Neighbor
May 4, 2022
In the internet age, this particular struggle has become one of the most common denominators for us men. Our moral development has simply been too slow to keep pace with our technological development. For those of us men who are tempted to look or struggling to quit looking, it certainly doesn’t help that our culture has become so saturated with sexual imagery over the past few decades.
Fathers and Sons
April 26, 2022
Every father – especially so the father of sons – learns that there are times when simply being there – cheering, explaining, scolding, but often silent – is at least half the job.
Opening Day, Catholicism, and Looking Up to the Saints
April 7, 2022
The greatest heroes will always be those who can leave it all behind, for the sake of God.
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