The Hidden Blessing in the Decay of the World System
August 12, 2021
Many I know are concerned about the state of the world. And rightly so. Something significant is happening globally right now, and many ideas once deemed conspiratorial seem to be coming true. Fear of economic collapse, forced compliance to arbitrary mandates, food shortages, media propaganda, technological surveillance, and growing totalitarian overreach by world governments are […]
Loves Endures Forever: A Reflection on What Matters
August 2, 2021
The law of the world, the law of fallen nature, is the law of the jungle. What matters is power, prestige, and prowess. Only the strong survive. There are countless personal development gurus only too happy to tell you how to explode your stock portfolio, shred your physique, double your productivity, or attract more women—for […]
You Cannot Kill Tradition: A Brief Statement In Response to the Motu Proprio ‘Traditionis Custodes’
July 16, 2021
Dear Readers, The Catholic church was today thrown into turmoil by the publication of a motu proprio, Traditionis Custodes, that in essence reverses the motu proprio Summorum Pontificum of Pope Benedict XVI and places heavy restrictions on the celebration of the traditional Latin Mass. Further, for all practical purposes, the traditional Mass is abrogated as a […]
Strength in Vulnerability
July 6, 2021
So many men today walk around as if they have it all figured out and they don’t have a problem in the world. The “strong” silent type if you will. I know this for a fact. I used to do the same thing. So much of my life was spent walking like a one man army, convincing myself that I didn’t need anybody or anything.
BBQ Etiquette for the Catholic Gentleman
June 24, 2021
As we start enjoying vernal and summer evenings, the great Canadian barbecue season has arrived. As Catholic gentlemen, we can partake and share such an important culinary and social tradition to renew and foster bonds, friendships and Catholic values.
Jesus the Redeemer
May 12, 2021
It would be very strange if a child ever whipped out his checkbook to reimburse his parents for bringing him to life. One could try to put a dollar amount on the medical bills, the nursery expenses, the food consumed, the diapers ruined, the hourly rate of the parent. But this is all an obvious absurdity.
History Is A Memory. Tradition Is Alive.
March 30, 2021
King James IV of Scotland (r.1488-1512), one of the last Catholic monarchs of Scotland, was considered a true Renaissance man devoted to learning and enlightened rule. In addition to his pursuits in science and the arts, he had a particular interest in language and its origins. He was a polyglot and the last King of […]
Imagination and the Will: What You Gaze On Is What You Become
February 2, 2021
How many times have you vowed to exercise more, eat better, or get more sleep? Or on a spiritual level, promised yourself that you were going to pray more consistently, practice certain virtues, or embrace asceticism more willingly? Yet, when it comes time to move idea into action, from commitment to practice, something within us […]
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