The Forgotten Prayer of the Father
October 2, 2020
Tucked away in a seemingly boring part of the Bible, the Forgotten Prayer of 1 Chronicles 4:10 is an unexpected invitation for men to come home—to the family we have all desired, the Church and the Holy Trinity, and our true vocation as fathers. The so-called “Prayer of Jabez” is not the materialistic and shallow […]
A House Divided: Political Chaos, Churchly Conflict, and the Spirit of Christ
September 30, 2020
“A house divided against itself cannot stand.” – Jesus Christ Regardless of your political persuasion, I believe many of us who watched the first of the U.S. presidential debates were shocked and dismayed. It was hardly the kind of engagement citizens of a country hope to see between two potential leaders. It was a brutal […]
Fathers, Don’t Tap Out
September 22, 2020
The kids were out of control and so were the bills, my relationship with my wife felt strained, and I honestly didn’t think I could handle the stress at work anymore. I’ll never forget the day it all seemed to come crashing together. It looked like an ugly self-portrait, an American Gothic with me holding […]
International Buy a Priest a Beer Day is Almost Here
September 18, 2020
Did you know that this Sunday, September 20, is International Buy a Priest a Beer Day? We are now in our 7th year of this glorious festal day. On this auspicious occaision, faithful Catholics all over the world take their priests out for a beer and get to know them better. It’s a beautiful Catholic […]
Fail Forward: 7 Blessings of Falls in the Lives of Men
September 15, 2020
We are living in a time when men are besieged from all fronts. Men have a suicide rate three times higher than women which many attribute, at least in part, to men equating asking for help with portraying vulnerability in a society where vulnerability is equated with weakness and not being a real man. As […]
Fathers, Bring the Joy
September 9, 2020
“It’s good to be king” was a common refrain in my home, and it was always in reference to me. I was a 5-year-old boy, who, my parents joked, got the royal treatment. My mother and father cooked for me, cleaned for me, and made sure I went to bed early. I was capable of […]
Fathers, Fight for Milk
September 1, 2020
I’ll never forget the night my first child was born. I was racing down the freeway before dawn, clutching the steering wheel. “Look out for deer,” Brittany moaned. I glanced at her sideways. “You’re in labor, and you’re worried about deer?” “Just watch out for deer, okay!” I squeezed the steering wheel until my knuckles […]
Planning for Falls When Recovering from Porn
August 7, 2020
Bob came to me feeling very discouraged. He had slipped again into viewing pornography. He wanted to be completely honest about it and tell his wife; however, he didn’t know how to do it. He knew she would be very angry and disappointed. He didn’t want to hurt her, but he knew he had […]
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