6 Essential Rules Every Catholic Man Should Live By
January 24, 2023
“I will fear, love and honor God above all others, even at the cost of my own life.” The early Church was full of martyrs. These men didn’t simply give up their lives for Christ, they faced their death with courage and — sometimes — even jokes! It is said that as St. Lawrence was being roasted to death on an iron grill, he teasingly told his torturers, “I am done on this side, turn me over.” Christ was so real to the early Christians that they counted death as nothing so long as they could be with Him. You may not have to die for your faith. But you may suffer from “soft martyrdom,” such as losing friends over your beliefs. The word “martyr” means “witness.” By holding true to Christ’s teachings, you are witnessing to a higher order of values.
Raising Catholic Gentlemen in Your Homeschool
January 24, 2023
Our world has become aggressively crude and divisive, while the societal pressures on men and boys to hate their own masculinity has taken its toll on all of us. So what are Catholic families to do? John Heinen recently joined The Homeschooling Saints Podcast to talk about Bringing Back Gentlemanliness.
Afraid of God
January 17, 2023
I'm afraid of God.
I’ve probably always been afraid of Him but just realized it – put it into those words – at the Vigil Mass for the Solemnity of Mary. May she pray for me now and at the hour of my death.
This may be Proverbs 9:10: “The beginning of wisdom is fear of the LORD, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” I hedge (“may be”), because the “feeling” I refer to is claustrophobia: I am overwhelmed by His presence and power and feel the need to escape.
Your Wife Doesn’t Feel Loved: 8 Warning Signs
January 1, 2023
A wife’s number one need is to be secure in love. Notice the nuance. Not just loved… She wants to be “Secure” in her husband’s love. Certainty is the key element. A wife who is certain of her husband’s love for her will make her husband feel loved. She will be more confident, which affords […]
Ember Days 101
December 13, 2022
The Ember Days are special days for prayer and fasting during the liturgical year. They correspond to the four seasons, and they focus our attention especially on the blessings of nature. On the Ember Days, we give thanks for blessings we’ve received, but also remind ourselves of our need for penance and grace.
50 Books for the Boys and Men in Your Life
December 7, 2022
The Catholic Gentleman connected with our friends at Homeschool Connections, Walter and Maureen, to discuss good books that fathers can read to their sons or encourage their sons to read. They sent us quite a list. You can find the original article on Homeschool Connections here.
On Being Polite
October 4, 2022
And what about “polite”? We think of the word today as meaning, more or less, mannerly. A polite person is somebody with manners; somebody who has the kindness to say please and thank you. But in origin the word is closer to polish, with the sense that the polite person is a sort of gleaming silver teapot. From its Latin roots (politus, the past participle of polire, to smooth or polish) through its emergence in Middle English and well into the 1700s, the word meant a thing buffed up or cleansed or even organized, although other meanings also emerged. So it always is with important words.
Blessed King & Emperor Karl von Habsburg
September 6, 2022
After World War One [1914-1918] had been underway for 2 years, the long-reigning emperor of one of the warring empires --Austria-Hungary--died and the throne was succeeded by his grandnephew, Karl, a visibly saintly man, who spent his precious two years on the throne making multiple offers for peace that were rejected. This caused the war to be extended two more years and millions of more deaths. In 1918 WWI came to an end, the empire was dismantled with the help of masons and other anti-Catholics here and abroad, and Karl and his wife, Empress Zita, were arrested and literally shipped 2000 miles away to a Portuguese island called Madeira off the coast of west Africa, with their seven children following later. He died there soon after, in penury, at the age of 34, leaving his pregnant wife of ten years, the Servant-of-God Empress Zita, and seven young children.
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