Category: Habits

Reasons You Don’t Know How To Feast

June 28, 2023
In today's episode, Sam and John discuss how our lives are marked by affluence, abundance, excess, and convenience and how this presents a very unique challenge to fasting, but even more so, a challenge to feasting. In one sense, feasting has a higher place in the Church than fasting, yet we very often never discuss this. How do we feast correctly? What are the practices we need to truly experience feasting so as to live more abundantly? We unpack all of this today.

5 Ancient Romans Every Man Should Know

June 21, 2023
In today's episode, John is joined by Ryan Scheel, from the Catholic Talk Show, to discuss 5 remarkable men of history, the stories associated with them, and the virtues they portrayed during ancient Rome. We dive into the virtues these men each displayed and how our Catholic faith prefects and brings to life that which these men only knew through reason and experience. We then discuss how important it is for men today to learn about the history of Rome and how this knowledge can improve your life.

Summer Survival Guide for Men

June 14, 2023
In today's episode, hosts John Heinen and Sam Guzman discuss how the summer often presents difficulties for men pursuing holiness. When your summer is filled with travel, late night conversations, and children staying up late or not active in school work, it can be an occasion to loosen your own disciplines and perseverance in holiness. We discuss ways to avoid this from happening, as well as insights as to what unique opportunities summer can provide us. Finally, we turn to Archbishop Fulton Sheen to remind us of three laws necessary to achieve true happiness.

Tired of Losing? Do These 3 Things

May 31, 2023
In today's episode, hosts John Heinen and Sam Guzman discuss the 3 foundational pillars of a man's life. These 3 pillars were broken at the fall of man, yet until we understand these pillars and how to work with them, we will always be running in circles instead of persevering forward in our lives. We also discuss the most transformative new platform for men to get answers to their questions, grow in holiness with other men, and receive constant new content and challenges.

Overcome these 4 Pitfalls Men Face in Prayer

March 1, 2023
How often do you feel that you are never improving in prayer? Perhaps you don't have a clear understanding of what prayer is or how to pray. In this episode, we discuss the key purpose of prayer, how to accurately understand why we are required to pray, and how to overcome the 4 most common pitfalls to living out a purposeful and fruitful prayer life.

6 Reasons Fasting Makes You a Better Man

February 22, 2023
Why do we fast? How is it that growth in prayer is dependent on fasting? We answer these questions as well as how to avoid the numerous pitfalls related to physical, mental, and spiritual obstacles that fasting presents to us. Finally, you will learn 6 reasons every man must fast to grow in holiness and to be the man God created you to be.

Why You Fail at Lent and How to Fix it (w/ Devin Schadt)

February 8, 2023
How many times have you stated, "This Lent will be different."? Only to find yourself failing, frustrated, and humbled by the second or third week. Today, Devin Schadt joins us as we discuss why this happens, what men always forget about when it comes to Lent, and how we can actually make lasting change this year. He has written an incredible devotional book to guide anyone during Lent and we touch on this as well.

From Clutter Free to Convert w/ T.K. Coleman

February 1, 2023
From well-known minimalist to Catholic convert, the depth of wisdom, life experience, and transformation to Christ shared with us by T.K. Coleman is worth every second. What is minimalism and how does it align uniquely with our Catholic understanding of living a devout life? Today T.K. shares with us how to live a flourishing life, how to become a superior version of yourself each day, and how keeping your sights set on this goal brings clarity and peace to life.

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