Category: Featured

Handling Toxic Relationships

February 21, 2024
Marriage is tough, it comes with incomparable joys, as well as intense sorrow. When two people, both fallen and broken, enter into a loving marriage they must expect struggles and sacrifices. It is through these challenges that their love will be purified and they become witnesses to a profound commitment mostly lacking in today's world. Today we read through a secular blog that offers reasons men should consider divorce, using this as a sort of bellwether of society to get to the right understanding of marriage and how this is all horrible advice. We do our best to tread with dignity discussing the interior lives of the men brought up in the article but are honest about the falsehoods that they espouse. Learn about these 4 enemies and how to apply the practices we discuss. In addition, today we get to answer a question from a listener who asks about balancing his pursuit of a high-performance professional job and raising a family. Today we discuss a great plan to not only improve and become like Christ this Lent, but also a strategy to continue as a new man this Easter and beyond. We discuss man's need for temptation and how Satan gains entrance into our lives. We unpack why you need to know the tactics of Satan, how understanding this can provide clarity in your lives, and how you can be battle-ready to protect yourself against his attacks.

Horrible Marriage Advice

February 14, 2024
Marriage is tough, it comes with incomparable joys, as well as intense sorrow. When two people, both fallen and broken, enter into a loving marriage they must expect struggles and sacrifices. It is through these challenges that their love will be purified and they become witnesses to a profound commitment mostly lacking in today's world. Today we read through a secular blog that offers reasons men should consider divorce, using this as a sort of bellwether of society to get to the right understanding of marriage and how this is all horrible advice. We do our best to tread with dignity discussing the interior lives of the men brought up in the article but are honest about the falsehoods that they espouse. Learn about these 4 enemies and how to apply the practices we discuss. In addition, today we get to answer a question from a listener who asks about balancing his pursuit of a high-performance professional job and raising a family. Today we discuss a great plan to not only improve and become like Christ this Lent, but also a strategy to continue as a new man this Easter and beyond. We discuss man's need for temptation and how Satan gains entrance into our lives. We unpack why you need to know the tactics of Satan, how understanding this can provide clarity in your lives, and how you can be battle-ready to protect yourself against his attacks.

4 Enemies Destroying Your Spiritual Life

February 7, 2024
We all want to be successful and have a great life, however, most men place their spiritual life as something separate from that roadmap and strategy. Unfortunately, the opposite is true. If we really want that life, that vitality, and that greatness we have to fix our broken plan. Today we take an aerial view of the spiritual life so that every man, regardless of his situation, can be victorious in the hand-to-hand combat of his daily struggles. Learn about these 4 enemies and how to apply the practices we discuss. In addition, today we get to answer a question from a listener who asks about balancing his pursuit of a high-performance professional job and raising a family. Today we discuss a great plan to not only improve and become like Christ this Lent, but also a strategy to continue as a new man this Easter and beyond. We discuss man's need for temptation and how Satan gains entrance into our lives. We unpack why you need to know the tactics of Satan, how understanding this can provide clarity in your lives, and how you can be battle-ready to protect yourself against his attacks.

The Best Action Plan for Lent

January 31, 2024
Lent comes every year, yet often we struggle to create an effective plan to improve ourselves and refocus on Christ. During Lent, all men's minds should be moved with greater zeal to develop and expand on our spiritual disciplines, but how can we achieve this successfully? For the ways of the world are many and even the best among us lack the constancy to stay straight the course throughout the year in our work to overcome our natural desires and deepen our love for Christ. Today we discuss a great plan to not only improve and become like Christ this Lent, but also a strategy to continue as a new man this Easter and beyond. We discuss man's need for temptation and how Satan gains entrance into our lives. We unpack why you need to know the tactics of Satan, how understanding this can provide clarity in your lives, and how you can be battle-ready to protect yourself against his attacks.

Discerning the Voice of Satan

January 24, 2024
If Satan and his demons are going around waging a perpetual war on mankind and seeking whom they may devour, wouldn't it be great if we understood their tactics and strategies? Today John, Devin, and Sam discuss how the Church has grown in her understanding, through Scripture, theology, as well as exorcisms, and how we can use this knowledge to our benefit. We discuss man's need for temptation and how Satan gains entrance into our lives. We unpack why you need to know the tactics of Satan, how understanding this can provide clarity in your lives, and how you can be battle-ready to protect yourself against his attacks.

The Two Things Every Daughter Must Have

January 17, 2024
Today John, Devin, and Sam discuss the two primary needs your daughters must have from you. We dive into what these needs are and why ignoring them means destroying your daughter. We have learned an incredible amount of knowledge in raising daughters and this is an episode you will not want to miss. In addition to these chief premises, we give you 3 ways to make sure you are successful at accomplishing your call as a father.

How to Know Your True Friends

January 10, 2024
Today John, Devin, and Sam dive into what it means to be a true friend. We discuss the different types of friends, which ones you need to prioritize to live a meaningful life, and how to become that man for others. “There is nothing on this earth more to be prized than true friendship.” However, as we all see today, this is getting harder and harder to find. Learn 3 principles of true friendship and how to live those today.

Helping Women Understand Men – 3 Things

December 27, 2023
Today John, Devin, and Sam engage in a meaningful conversation covering 3 important things that women do not understand about men. In this episode, you will find topics that are often unspoken between the sexes but create confusion, tension, and oftentimes emotional pain in our relationships with women. You are going to hear topics on stress, insecurities, beauty, and work, and why men react the way they do from a perspective unique to our masculinity. Additionally, we will discuss proven practices aimed at fostering healing and increased understanding of how these differences can work for our mutual improvement.

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