Category: Featured

This is Not Holiness

October 18, 2023
Today, John and Sam are excited to announce a second week with the new host to our show, Devin Schadt. His depth of knowledge, charism, and understanding is a joy to bring to our listeners. This week we talk about what holiness is NOT and the failed thought processes and actions we fall into while striving to be better. We spend time expanding upon how fear and work are stages we often go through in understanding how to grow into a loving relationship and union with God.

Warning Signs Your Wife is Not Feeling Loved

October 11, 2023
Today, John and Sam are excited to announce a new host to our show, Devin Schadt. He will be joining us weekly to answer the tough questions that men face and add to the depth of knowledge and discussion. This week we talk about warning signs that your wife is not feeling loved. We open up about what we have each learned about truly loving our wives and the many ways that we have failed. We then go into the importance of this topic and how by understanding the nature of women, we can be the husbands they need and the husband God is calling us to be.

Rediscovered Medieval Book Shares 42 Secrets of Happiness

October 4, 2023
John and Sam are joined by a Benedictine Monk from Australia, Fr. Robert Nixon, to discuss this lost book, the first time ever translated in English, by St. Albert the Great. St. Albert breaks apart 42 virtues needed to live a happy and good life. We discuss counterfeit virtues which are actually vices, and how to be aware of these in your own life. This book breaks apart these virtues in a way that is accessible and motivating to all. We finish with a conversation of how to get started and how it is easier then you think.

Catholic Priest on the Best Way to Fight Satan

September 27, 2023
Today, John, Sam, and our guest, Fr. Ken Garaci, discuss how he went from being a profit-driven agnostic business executive to a Catholic priest who constantly guides men in defeating Satan and resisting his temptations. The story of how God so clearly intervened in his selfish life serves as a reminder to all of us that God is always seeking our souls. Fr. Ken delivers one incredible statement after another to remind each of us that we must wake up, truly comprehend the world around us, and utilize the tools God has provided to overcome Satan while simultaneously growing in love for Christ. We are all engaged in a battle, whether we are aware of it or not; the world depends on our response to the call. We then explore how to live a life aligned with Christ's teachings, the power of devotion to Our Blessed Mother to guarantee success in life, and becoming an instrument of Grace in the world. Drawing inspiration from the lives of saints like St. Maximilian Kolbe, St. Teresa of Avila, St. Francis de Sales, St. Louis de Montfort, and many others, you will be sure to learn a lot about prayer, devotion to Our Lady, and how to handle the tough challenges of life with peace and joy.

A Demonic Attack Converted Me

September 20, 2023
Today John, Sam, and our guest, Gabriel Castillo, discuss the captivating journey from being an MTV trained sinner of the world to becoming an on-fire Catholic evangelist with over 20 Million video views online. From his early days of mocking Catholicism while attending St. Thomas University to a moment of divine revelation during Adoration, where he heard inexplicable things and was moved to tears, his life took an unexpected turn. Yet, he continued to grapple with living a sinful lifestyle and trying to be a holy Catholic man. It was a chilling demonic encounter that finally pushed him to seek redemption through confession, sparking a profound conversion. We then explore how to live a life aligned with Christ's teachings, the power of devotion to Our Blessed Mother to guarantee success in life, and becoming an instrument of Grace in the world. Drawing inspiration from the lives of saints like St. Maximilian Kolbe, St. Teresa of Avila, St. Francis de Sales, St. Louis de Montfort, and many others, you will be sure to learn a lot about prayer, devotion to Our Lady, and how to handle the tough challenges of life with peace and joy.

The Real Reason Christianity is Dying

September 13, 2023
To solve any problem, we must first understand the situation and the more we can discern the causes, the more effectively we can identify a solution. Today's guest has raised and spent 20 million dollars seeking to know the cause for the decline of Christianity, specifically church attendance and open affiliation, in the West. Once discovered, he created a program that in only 3 years, across the entire city of Jacksonville, FL drove the divorce rate down by 24%. In addition, the city saw an increase of marital health, family stability, and church engagement. I am joined by J.P. De Gance to learn all about this study, his findings, and the changes that can occur with the work he is doing. We give a clear call to action to all listeners about what they can do to be a part of the solution. You can start today and the simple tools to begin are provided.

The Fine Art of Craft Cigar Smoking

September 6, 2023
Today we sit down with Tomás Baldonado, the owner and mastermind behind Ultimo Cigars. In this illuminating interview, we dive into the age-old question: Is smoking a sin? In addition, Tomás, a Catholic gentleman, shares his captivating life journey into the world of crafting cigars, offering unique insights into the art of cigar making and how he had to overcome many obstacles to get to where he is today, as a business owner who is constantly evolving. Beyond the smoke, the conversation explores the significance of relationships, teaching others how to make cigars and the fine art of pairing cigars with food and beverages.He is now on-fire to bring everyone to the Catholic Faith while running a full-service video production company that makes videos for Mercedes, Google, IBM, Canon, Gillette, Marriott, American Airlines, and many more. This is a story of passion, fear, loss of friends, pain, and Grace.

Fixing the Disorder in Our Lives w/ Dr. John Cuddeback

August 30, 2023
Recognizing the disorder within our culture is the initial step toward rectifying the missteps, often subtle, within our individual lives. Today we discuss how the world is playing this out on a grand scale which culminates in seeing things and even people simply as a means to our own personal ends. In light of this, Dr. John Cuddeback engages with us to assert that we must first identify and be aware of this limited and disordered mindset to begin to re-order and improve our lives and those around us. However, it is not enough to speak of things in the abstract or philosophical sense, we bring this knowledge into the fabric of our daily lives and offer a number of actionable methods through which we can start living out our best life. He is now on-fire to bring everyone to the Catholic Faith while running a full-service video production company that makes videos for Mercedes, Google, IBM, Canon, Gillette, Marriott, American Airlines, and many more. This is a story of passion, fear, loss of friends, pain, and Grace.

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