Get Married, Young Man, Part 2: What is Marriage?

December 20, 2013
This post is part of a series on dating and marriage. In the previous post, I wrote about the importance of dating intentionally— that is, dating with the clear goal of marriage. But before we go any further, I believe it is important to define what a true, sacramental marriage actually is, especially in light […]

How to Vali-Date Her – 10 Tips

February 12, 2025
Marriage has the power to get you to heaven or be a constant source of frustration and confusion. What if there was a way to ensure that your marriage stays strong and is always a source of joy for you and your spouse? Today, John Heinen and Devin Schadt discuss the importance of dating within marriage, not as some ideal goal that you will eventually achieve but as an actual commitment that you stick with and fight to maintain. We also go through 10 tips on how to make your dating consistently a source of happiness and belonging.

How to Discuss Sex with Your Wife

January 29, 2025
John Heinen and Devin Schadt discuss how to have meaningful conversations with your wife about sex. This is not an issue to take lightly and one that has caused the downfall of countless marriages. Sex has the ability to make a marriage great and holy, yet how often does it become an obstacle to true love and unity? Today, we talk about 7 points that are necessary to have beneficial communication with your wife on this issue. Most couples find this topic challenging to have, and since great marriages do not happen by accident, we want to provide you with tools to make this area of your marriage a place to grow in love and holiness. God has ordained this sacrament as the closest sign in the world of the mystery of Christ's love for His Church. Therefore, men, we must do our part to better live this out.

Catholics Don’t Go to Mass Because Dad Doesn’t

December 10, 2024
We’ve all heard the grim statics about the Church and our children maintaining the Catholic Faith. A standout part of these studies is a Father's overwhelming impact on improving the likelihood of their child following Jesus.

Discernment Is Not About You

November 12, 2024
The central question in discernment is: How shall I die with Christ, to rise with him? How will I lose my life to find it? What will bring me to the point where I can say, with St. Paul: “It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me”?

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