Every Man a Monk
February 8, 2022
The young curé of Georges Bernanos’ The Diary of a Country Priest (1937) ruminates about monks (Carthusian and Trappist): What miracle enables these semi-lunatics, these prisoners of their own dreams, these sleepwalkers, apparently to enter more deeply each day into the pain of others? An odd sort of dream, an unusual opiate which, far from turning him back into himself and isolating him from his fellows, unites the individual with mankind in the spirit of universal charity!
St. Maximilian Kolbe’s Consecration Prayer
January 12, 2022
Official Act of Consecration to Mary Written by St. Maximilian Kolbe O Immaculata, Queen of Heaven and earth, refuge of sinners and our most loving Mother, God has willed to entrust the entire order of mercy to you. I, (name), a repentant sinner, cast myself at your feet humbly imploring you to take me with […]
A Christmas Gift: Quenching Thirst in Kenya
December 1, 2021
Now that we’re into the holiday hustle and bustle, it’s a good time to step back and remember the blessings we have — starting with the most basic things we might overlook. Take clean water, for example. In your home you can go to any faucet, turn it on and, voilà, clean water! You can […]
On Beer: Love and Responsibility
November 29, 2021
“From man’s sweat and God’s love, beer came into the world,” St. Arnulf of Metz. “Beer makes you sleep easy. Easy sleep makes you not sin. Not sinning gets you into heaven,” an anonymous German monk. “It is my design to die in the brewhouse; let ale be placed to my mouth when I am […]
How to Drink Like a Saint
September 6, 2021
While researching Drinking With the Saints, I was looking for what drinks I could recommend on certain feast days of the liturgical year. What I did not expect to discover was a lesson in how to drink them. That lesson can be distilled into five key points. To drink like a saint—that is, to enjoy alcohol the way it was meant by God to be enjoyed—one must drink…
Liturgy and the Living Tradition of the Heart
August 16, 2021
Did you know that approximately every seven years, every cell in your body is replaced by entirely new cells? When this happens, it is no exaggeration to say that you have an entirely new body. And yet, you are the same person both to yourself and to others. Similarly, an adult human being looks quite […]
The Hidden Blessing in the Decay of the World System
August 12, 2021
Many I know are concerned about the state of the world. And rightly so. Something significant is happening globally right now, and many ideas once deemed conspiratorial seem to be coming true. Fear of economic collapse, forced compliance to arbitrary mandates, food shortages, media propaganda, technological surveillance, and growing totalitarian overreach by world governments are […]
Loves Endures Forever: A Reflection on What Matters
August 2, 2021
The law of the world, the law of fallen nature, is the law of the jungle. What matters is power, prestige, and prowess. Only the strong survive. There are countless personal development gurus only too happy to tell you how to explode your stock portfolio, shred your physique, double your productivity, or attract more women—for […]
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