Handling Toxic Relationships

February 21, 2024
Marriage is tough, it comes with incomparable joys, as well as intense sorrow. When two people, both fallen and broken, enter into a loving marriage they must expect struggles and sacrifices. It is through these challenges that their love will be purified and they become witnesses to a profound commitment mostly lacking in today's world. Today we read through a secular blog that offers reasons men should consider divorce, using this as a sort of bellwether of society to get to the right understanding of marriage and how this is all horrible advice. We do our best to tread with dignity discussing the interior lives of the men brought up in the article but are honest about the falsehoods that they espouse. Learn about these 4 enemies and how to apply the practices we discuss. In addition, today we get to answer a question from a listener who asks about balancing his pursuit of a high-performance professional job and raising a family. Today we discuss a great plan to not only improve and become like Christ this Lent, but also a strategy to continue as a new man this Easter and beyond. We discuss man's need for temptation and how Satan gains entrance into our lives. We unpack why you need to know the tactics of Satan, how understanding this can provide clarity in your lives, and how you can be battle-ready to protect yourself against his attacks.

Boundaries – 5 Tips to Maintain Chastity

January 10, 2024
Avoiding pornography requires a person to set clear boundaries with people, places, things, technology, and situations that might lead him to return to pornography use.

Helping Women Understand Men – 3 Things

December 27, 2023
Today John, Devin, and Sam engage in a meaningful conversation covering 3 important things that women do not understand about men. In this episode, you will find topics that are often unspoken between the sexes but create confusion, tension, and oftentimes emotional pain in our relationships with women. You are going to hear topics on stress, insecurities, beauty, and work, and why men react the way they do from a perspective unique to our masculinity. Additionally, we will discuss proven practices aimed at fostering healing and increased understanding of how these differences can work for our mutual improvement.

What Women Don’t Understand About Men

December 20, 2023
WARNING, this episode contains adult content, all within the sound teaching and wisdom of the Catholic Church, that may not be suitable for younger listeners. Today John, Devin, and Sam engage in an honest conversation about their collective insights gained over the years regarding women's lack of understanding of men. In this episode, we examine topics that often remain unspoken but are crucial for fostering deeper connections and loving relationships. We discuss the undeniable differences between the sexes, from a biological, mental, physical, and spiritual standpoint. By bringing to light these differences, we move to promote a better understanding of men and bring clarity to women, so that we can help each other grow in holiness and love.

Kid Catholics

December 14, 2023
Humanity was created to grow toward virtue, which is nothing but the maturity of man’s created nature supported by grace. Being a “better Christian” in Sacred Scripture has little to do with what we might call enthusiasm; it is called maturity.

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